About stevehartlaub@gmail.com
I'm a 73 year old spiritual adventurer in life, but I don't really get along with organized religion. I find it too passive, too worldly, too conforming, too powerless ... though I know many wonderful believers involved in it.
I have been a seeker of Jesus Christ since 1974 in Ketchikan, Alaska.
Very early into my spiritual journey, I came to the realization that I wouldn't be able to last long in this new Godly relationship without becoming able to understand the Bible. God supplied that need, and shortly thereafter I became interested in Biblical research ... Greek, word studies, HOW the Bible is designed to be understood, its customs, etc.
I married Sharon in 1985 in Vancouver, Canada.
I have 5 children - 3 girls, 2 boys....ages 30-36. All were homeschooled. 3 are happily married. I have 8 grandchildren.
I have taught and studied the Word of God in informal gatherings in England, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Canada, Alaska, Nevada and all over the United States.
In 2006 I became aware of God calling me into the revelation of the glorified Christ within, and I have been involved in making that revelation known since then.
I recently moved to Bella Vista, Arkansas, after living in Fitchburg, Wisconsin (suburb of Madison) since 1990.. If you're ever in the area, please look me up.
I am a retired house painter, and God is providing for my wife and I abundantly!
I am meek to the instruction of God...which often occurs while another person is speaking! So don't be afraid to comment on any of these studies. Because my heart is open to my master teacher, Jesus Christ!
. . People live their lives from out of their feelings. Most believe that their feelings are a result of their situation in life, or of an event, or treatment by others, perhaps even an offhand comment. People like to … Continue reading →
. Colossians 2:14-23 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; (Verse 14) What the heck is this verse saying? I’ve … Continue reading →
. . Have you ever wondered why Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days? Here he is, the son of God, sent to save the world, having only a short time in which to fulfill his earthly ministry. Yet … Continue reading →
. The point of this study is to arrive at an outlook concerning our mental and emotional struggles which best positions us for spiritual growth and a closer relationship with God, our Father. Most view these kind of struggles as … Continue reading →
. The topics covered in the 10 indexed studies listed below are: How the cross practically applies to our everyday life. The wisdom supplied to us in Christ puts us ahead of every curve. Stress kills. What causes it and … Continue reading →
. . Do you think that God needs your protection? Have you ever been more concerned with doctrine than with love? Have you ever argued with someone over what is right, from the Bible or otherwise? Have you ever attacked … Continue reading →
.. . Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth … (Ephesians 6:14a) In past studies we have taken a look at the helmet of salvation and the shield of faith. Here we take a look at the very … Continue reading →
. One big cause of stress, anxiety, bondage and sickness among Christians is confusion regarding the work we are to do versus the results we are to get. By wasting time focusing on the results or lack thereof, instead of … Continue reading →
. I Corinthians 13:1-8, 13, wrongly translated Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not religion, I am become as sounding brass, and a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, … Continue reading →
. Romans 8:12 continues the truth that the mind of the flesh is in a state of conflict or war with God, because it cannot receive the things of the spirit of Christ, which are freely given as a gift … Continue reading →