Category Archives: LISTS

Jobs of the Holy Spirit

. I often read through the entire New Testament, simply looking for one thing.  The following is my compilation of what I found as I looked for jobs (or attributes) of the Holy Spirit (or holy spirit).  If you find … Continue reading

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Old Man, New Man … A Comparison

. When a person believes unto and receives the gift of eternal life, the life of Christ within, a NEW MAN is created within. Yet the thought patterns of the OLD MAN still linger. Following is a list comparing some … Continue reading

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Who was Jesus … What Others Thought … All New Testament References

WHAT OTHERS SAID OF JESUS All New Testament References Matthew 16:15,16 Simon Peter….You are the Christ, the son of the living God Mark 3:11 Unclean spirits… are the son of God Mark 5:6,7 Man of the Gadarenes…..Jesus, son of the … Continue reading

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Speaking in Tongues in the Bible (a non-exhaustive list)

. . Speaking in tongues is the speaking in a language unknown to yourself by the power of the holy spirit within.  That you believe and speak is up to you.  What you speak is up to the spirit of … Continue reading

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