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Different Gifts

. Gifts for the Asking II Tim 1:6   For this reason I remind you to stir up the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands.   I Timothy 4:14   Do not neglect the … Continue reading

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Learning to Recognize the Voice of God

. The voice of God can sound a lot like your own thoughts, except they are filled with the life of God.  In addition, the voice of God has certain attributes and characteristics which are uniquely different from your own … Continue reading

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Hyper Conquerors – a study of Romans 8

 . Romans 8 This study requires you to have your Bible out.  I’m using the King James version of the Bible.  You can use any one you want, but bear in mind some of the words may be different. Verse … Continue reading

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An Index of Studies 81-90

. The topics covered in the 10 indexed studies listed below are: What God wants from you….exactly. Why the need to belong to a tribe or group?  Does it help us with God? What and where is the seat of … Continue reading

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Spiritual Pinball

.. I was recently reading a past study from this Website,  Freedom in Christ, and I was thinking about how powerful is that truth of our freedom in Christ.  Then I began to think about how so many Christians either … Continue reading

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An Index of Studies 71-80

. The topics covered in the 10 indexed studies listed below are: Our sonship.  Our fellowship.  One can change.  One cannot. The need to be right and how God overcomes it. Specifics on how to love other Christians. The faith … Continue reading

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Church Emasculation

.  . In this study I directly challenge certain practices of churches and Christianity in general.  These practices are widespread, just like sin is.  I am not challenging all practices of these institutions of course; neither do I see these … Continue reading

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An Index of Studies 61-70

. The topics covered in the 10 indexed studies listed below are: Romans 16, word by word – God sees individuals, don’t let emotion rule How Satan always justifies his evil in your life God is not a Christian Only … Continue reading

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How Christ is Building His Church

 . _______________________________________________ Christ is building his church, one revelation of himself at a time. _______________________________________________ Matthew 16:18  (Jesus is speaking)  And I say also unto you, That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and … Continue reading

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The Law vs. Faith

. . I am very excited to bring you this study.  It was not written by me, but by a Freshman in College, majoring in graphic design…… Sierra Cole.  She has always been an enthusiastic follower of Jesus Christ, but … Continue reading

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