Blog Archives

An Index of Studies 1-10

. The first 10 studies of this blog are listed, along with a brief synopsis of content.  Topics covered are: Church leadership’s roles and responsibilities Judging Christianity defined The tree of the knowledge of good and evil Who others thought … Continue reading

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The Nature and Source of Light

. Light is the Greek word phos, and is found 70 times in the New Testament.  It is used of physical light, but most often is used of spiritual light.  Spiritual light does not mean physical light which comes from … Continue reading

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It Takes All Kinds

. True Individuality.  One of the most exciting aspects of the mystery of Christ.  No two are alike. I Corinthians 12:12-14  For as the body is one, and has many members, and all the members of that one body, being … Continue reading

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How God Knows

. You can only know God by letting Him know you!  Most people think they can know God by learning something, by knowing something, by having knowledge at their disposal.  By knowing the Bible, for instance.  Or the Koran.  Or … Continue reading

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Successful Juggling

. Life can often seem like a juggling act.  Sometimes you have to keep so many balls in the air at the same time, and that can be an exhausting effort in futility.  So much effort, so little gain. I’m … Continue reading

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The Perfect Gods

. . Two Gods.  The One, perfectly good.  The other, perfectly evil. In two recent studies,  Dark Christian Doctrines and  Dark Christian Doctrines 2, we explored the truth of the work of Jesus Christ in separating out, or leading out … Continue reading

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My Kingdom

. .Whenever I read political rants, whether about a political figure, or the Democrats, or Republicans, the truth of this study comes to mind. The Kingdom of Heaven is not a location, but rather a state of being, an ever-presence. … Continue reading

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Dark Christian Doctrines 2

. As we saw in our last study,  Dark Christian Doctrines, Satan, the evil one, the destroyer was not exposed to man in the Old Testament.  Man’s non-spiritual point of view could only discern the working of one single spiritual … Continue reading

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Dark Christian Doctrines

. Part 1:  The Cause of Dark Christian Doctrines Have you ever heard someone say something to this effect….”There’s just some things we’re not supposed to understand, you just have to accept it by faith.”  I don’t find that doctrine … Continue reading

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Belonging to the Tribe

. Tribalism affects many areas of life, but perhaps it affects politics the most. People are less interested in hearing the truth, and more interested in their side winning. This is readily apparent when a person uses the term “we” … Continue reading

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