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What EXACTLY God wants from you.

. . What God wants from you.   Simply this: He wants you to believe Him, that He’s justified you without obligation, through Christ. That was not enough in the Old Testament.  In the Old Testament, you had to do the … Continue reading

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Walk Circumspectly

. WALK CIRCUMSPECTLY A study of Ephesians 5:1-20 Verse 1,2   Be therefore followers (mimetai – mimics) of God, as dear children; And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us, and has given himself for us an offering and … Continue reading

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Conform, Reform, or Transform

. . Note:  This is a slightly longer study.  Worth the effort to print off and use as a basis for group discussion and study.  Worth the effort to go through it in stages.              _________________________________________________________ You’ve arrived at transformation when … Continue reading

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The Invisible Creation

. . When we read or hear the word “creation” we generally think of the physical realm.  The sky, the stars, the earth, water, animals, ourselves.  But in the beginning of time, God created the invisible also. Genesis 1:1   In … Continue reading

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Visiting Heaven

. Before you read this, be sure you understand what and where and when heaven is.  If you’re not sure, see study    Where is Heaven and When do we get there? I was visiting heaven this morning, about an hour … Continue reading

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The Faith of Christ has Come!

. . Allow all this Scripture which is a part of this study to speak to your heart.  Allow it to bring the faith of Christ that it was intended to bring. Matthew 17:20b … for verily I say unto … Continue reading

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How to love other Christians

. . HOW TO LOVE in the Body of Christ                                                                                   Romans 14 Christians have turned more people off to God than atheists have. Christians can be so hard to love.  Judgmental, dogmatic, argumentative, contrary to common sense, self-righteous, prideful……..or…….. guilty … Continue reading

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The Need To Be Right.

. I go to my wife and suggest a solution to a problem regarding the running of our household, and am met with anger and resentment.  She corrects my grammar, and I become indignant.  I endeavor to offer advice to … Continue reading

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Christ’s Imminent Return

. . I John 5:19  And we know that we are of God, and the whole world  lies in wickedness. The word “lies“ means to be permanently set, placed or fixed.  It is used of placing a dead body in … Continue reading

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The Fellowship of Our Sonship

. THE FELLOWSHIP OF OUR SONSHIP In this study we’ll take a look at the difference between being a son of God, and being in fellowship with God.  We’ll see that how we walk at any given moment in time … Continue reading

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