Blog Archives

Power and Authority

. Authority, Ability, Strength and Might The most wonderful thing we do in our lives is walk in the developing ability of Christ in us. Dunamis is the ABILITY.  Think “muscles.”  Translated chiefly as “power“, and in its verb form, … Continue reading

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The 2 Systems of God

. The Two Systems of God A system is the way in which things are done, in order for life to flow.  We might call it the rules which guide our life.   Now the civil governments under which we … Continue reading

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Vanity of the Mind

. . A note from Steve:  None of the studies I do are complete.  When and as you get into the heart of the truth of Christ, you are truly swimming in a spiritual ocean.   There is just so much!  … Continue reading

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The Gift of God’s Righteousness

. God’s Righteousness is Our Righteousness Righteousness is defined thusly:  The status of being in the right.  Regarding presence, behavior, membership, plans, desires, wants, needs; all requirements are fulfilled. The righteousness of God is defined thusly:  The nature of God … Continue reading

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Starve the Evil

.  . We often think of our thoughts and deeds in the light of what’s right and what’s wrong.  What is God’s will, and what is sin.  For the purposes of this study, I want you to consider that you … Continue reading

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Holy Spirit Sanctification

.. . In the Greek, the words holy, holiness, sanctified, sanctification, pure and saint all come from the same root word, or a form thereof – hagion.  This word means “pure,  set apart for specific purpose.”   The opposite is … Continue reading

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Greet the Saints

. Romans 16 Toward the end of this long letter which Paul wrote to the saints that were at Rome, he spends a long time directing attention to individual believers.  God is an individual God, and never forget that.  He … Continue reading

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Satan’s Justification

. . Satan ALWAYS justifies his presence and influence.                                                   All the while he is at work, exerting his influence, he is telling you that some situation or person in the flesh is causing it …. and that therefore the presence … Continue reading

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On love, forgiveness and being offended.

. . Why do people think that getting offended is a Godly trait? If you love someone, or even if you don’t,  and they do something which offends you, here are 4 possible options: 1)  Forgive them immediately, without even … Continue reading

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Dead to the Law

. Dead to the law.  Alive to God. Ask 10 Christian friends if they keep the 10 commandments.  Seriously.  Do it.  See what answers you get. Galatians 2:19  For I through the law am dead to the law, that I … Continue reading

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