Blog Archives

Paul’s Trip to Jerusalem

. Should Paul have gone to Jerusalem? In this study, we’re going to see what a huge difference a comma can make.  Did you know that the original Greek texts, from which the New Testament is translated, did not contain … Continue reading

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Get Over Yourself

. Think Outward Our world can sometimes feel quite small. We can feel painted into a corner, running out of options. The truth of this teaching will infinitely expand your horizons and the possibilities given us as sons of God … Continue reading

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I, Satan – 1

. I was created, a part of the Great Creator Of Everything That Is.  A slice of God.  A sliver carved from His essence.  The first created being to ever have knowledge of Him Who Created All Things.  The first … Continue reading

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And these miracles.

. . Power in manifestation….that’s a miracle. _______________________________________________ Swedish Hitchhiking Dang!  We’d just missed the last train, and there was no way to get home!  Berit Arvefjord and I were stuck in Gothenburg, Sweden, with no way to get back … Continue reading

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Some More Miracles

. Sometimes the smallest of things makes for a miracle. ________________________________________________________________ Friendly Stomach Pains She walked quickly across the circular drive when she saw me, an underclassman I knew fairly well.  “I really need prayer for healing,” she said almost … Continue reading

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A Few Miracles

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. If the timing isn’t God’s, it can’t be a miracle.                                                             These are true stories, all. ________________________________________________________________ Hockey Baby It was the late … Continue reading

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God is not a Christian

. . Christianity cannot save us.  Only Christ. Genesis 1:1   In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. So begins the Word, the Revelation, of God. Some people think the Word of God is simply filled with a … Continue reading

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Godly Logic (Spiritual Warfare)

. . Logic is a tool of our minds, but is not truth in and of itself. II Corinthians 10:3-5       Ephesians 6:12-18 Please make sure you’ve read the last study, Godly Logic (How to Serve God), before you read this … Continue reading

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Godly Logic (How to Serve God)

. . Romans 12:1-3 A big obstacle to consistent spiritual growth in our lives, and in the lives of those around us, is this:  That we try to do what only God can do, and that we don’t do what … Continue reading

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Watch Out, Concluded.

. . Don’t stop Watching out !                                                                                              Colossians 2:15-23 We continue from where we began in Colossians 2,  All the Treasures of Wisdom and Experience, and the last post,  Watch Out! Verse 15  And having spoiled principalities and powers, he … Continue reading

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