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What is Death and Hell?

. . We have taken a look at who or what causes death in past studies (see  The God of Death – Part 1 and  The God of Death – Part 2  ; also    Does God Kill People? and  … Continue reading

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The Original Paradise

. The time frame covered in the entirety of the Bible is……eternity!  From Genesis 1:1,  In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,  to Revelation 22:21, The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.  Amen.  … Continue reading

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Jesus – The Bread of Life

. JESUS, THE BREAD OF LIFE You are what you eat !!! John 6:27-40 Vs. 27-29  Labor not for the meat which perishes, but for that meat which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto … Continue reading

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The Mystery of Christ

. . The Purpose of all the Ages of Time.   Prepared, before God put His finishing touches on the cosmos, for our glory!  Containing all the treasures of experience and wisdom!  THE MYSTERY! From Wikipedia….The term “Mystery” derives from Greek … Continue reading

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Family – a Biblical Perspective

 . . Where does the priority of blood family fit into a believer’s life? Before I begin, I want to say that nowhere in this study is given a permission to abdicate familial responsibilities.  I am seeking what God has … Continue reading

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Freedom from Sin’s Domination

. Sin is one thing.  The domination of sin is another.  To dominate is to rule over.  To be dominated is to be ruled over. Romans 6:16  Don’t you know that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey, his … Continue reading

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Judgment Day – You May be Surprised.

. . Standing Before God on Judgment day                                                                               Who will make it into heaven and Who won’t – you may be surprised. Romans 10:6,7  But the righteousness which is of faith speaks like this:  Say not in your heart, Who … Continue reading

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Pruned by God.

. This study is dedicated to my niece, Kelsey Hartlaub…she likes prunes (just kidding)! John 15:1-16 Vs. 1-3 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman (vinedresser, worker of the field, farmer).  Every branch in me that bears … Continue reading

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Eternity awaits!

This gallery contains 10 photos.

. What are we going to DO forever??? Man was made for two things:  To be loved by God (to be full and complete expressions of His glory!), and to walk in gloriously loving adventure!  Our eternal life will be … Continue reading

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Fruitfulness in Christ – Colossians 1:1-15

. OUR FRUITFULNESS IN CHRIST Colossians 1:1-15 Vs. 1, 2  Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at Colosse; Grace unto you, … Continue reading

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