Blog Archives

Where is Heaven and When do we get there?

. . Get your Bibles out, because we’re going to take a look at a lot of Scripture, in order to get a true sense of God’s definition and depiction and explanation of heaven.   My suggestion is that you … Continue reading

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Why do we get Tempted?

. Are we ….. Worthy of Temptation? Everyone I know gets tempted…..a lot. The reason we get tempted is…..Satan hates us!   That’s right.  Not because we deserve it. All our lives, we’ve been brought up to think that if someone … Continue reading

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What is the POWER of God?

. POWER – dunamis (Greek) From Ephesians 1:18,19a  The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling; and what (is) the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints, … Continue reading

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Is it Love to Judge?

. . I John 4 says God is love. Is it love to judge people and condemn them to eternal hell fire? What we will learn is that it is good to judge things, not good to judge people. John … Continue reading

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Cole’s Question – was the Apostle Paul arrogant?

Cole (my son-in-law) writes: I was reading this morning the first chapter in Galatians and I am not sure I fully understand what he is talking about because it seems as though Paul is pretty much preaching like my pastor … Continue reading

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MMFN – The Man No One Knew

This gallery contains 5 photos.

More Miracles from Norway Many of you may have already read the story of  The Miracle of the Norwegian Bus   If not, be sure to check it out.  In it,  I set the background of exactly why and when … Continue reading

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Truth vs. Reality

. . Truth is the way life has been designed to work, by God. Reality is what actually is at work ….. in your life, or in others. Truth is never stagnant.  It is alive, it flexes, it manifests in … Continue reading

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The God of Death – Part 2

. . The Devil, Part 2 In Part 1, we learned who or what the devil is, what he tries to accomplish and how.  We also learned how Jesus Christ was God’s solution to the devil and his works.  In … Continue reading

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The God of Death – Part 1

. THE DEVIL, Part 1 (the enemy of our life) The devil is an equal opportunity hater of us all. It is not enough to know the Lord Jesus Christ. We must come to know and understand our enemy and … Continue reading

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Does God Kill …. A More Thorough Response

. In this study, I answer some questions sent to me by a dear sister in Christ.  I figure if she has these questions, many others who read the original study have them too.  (Does God Kill People?)     The … Continue reading

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