Blog Archives

Does God Kill People?

. Can life cause death? Hebrews 2:14, 15  Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he (Jesus) also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power … Continue reading

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Our Inheritance

. . Inheritance (kleeronomia) – our rightful portion or allotment. Heir – (kleeronomos) – He/she who possesses the right to the rightful portion or allotment. Inherit – (kleeronomeo) – to lay hold of or to obtain the rightful portion or … Continue reading

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What is Glory?

. GLORY Many words have a religious connotation.  When you hear a phrase like the glory of God, all you’re likely to think is  “God/religion/holy/Bible/love/Jesus/prayer/heaven/hell//try not to sin.”  I’ve discovered through the years of my Biblical studies and research, that … Continue reading

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The Resurrection of Jesse James

This gallery contains 33 photos.

. Jesse James ….. Raised from the Dead It was a father/daughter dance like nothing I’d ever seen. Angela, the bride, in a tender, expressive, funny, endearing, intimate and spontaneous dancing pantomime expressing a very tender and loving relationship with … Continue reading

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How Do We Get Faith? ….. God GIVES It To Us

. How God Gives Us All the Faith We Can Handle It has come to my attention that some people look at the following verse and think that God gives more faith to some, less to others. Romans 12:3   For … Continue reading

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Old Man, New Man … A Comparison

. When a person believes unto and receives the gift of eternal life, the life of Christ within, a NEW MAN is created within. Yet the thought patterns of the OLD MAN still linger. Following is a list comparing some … Continue reading

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The Miracle of the Norwegian Bus

This gallery contains 8 photos.

. The Miracle of the Norwegian Bus It was about noon, a beautiful spring day in a valley outside Nesbyen, Norway. There was snow in the mountains, but here, just outside the Nesbyen train station, it was sunshine and dry. … Continue reading

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Do I HAVE to go to Church?

. Except for a 2 year period, I have not regularly attended any institutionalized church for the last 38 years.  I actively and passionately seek out fellowship, and pursue opportunities to minister to others as the spirit of my Lord … Continue reading

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How to Be Born Again

. . BORN AGAIN … Explained John 3:3   Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. “Again” is the Greek word anothen, … Continue reading

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What Christian Group Should I Belong To?

. . What Christian Group/Organization Should I Belong to? Catholic?  Lutheran?  Methodist?  Some sect/synod/offshoot of them?  Charismatic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Evangelical Free.  YWAM (Youth with a Mission), Campus Crusade for Christ, Fellowship of Student Athletes.  Which one? The answer is any … Continue reading

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