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What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ and How to Preach It.

. PREACHING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST What it is:  The gospel of Jesus Christ is that living gospel of Jesus Christ which is being revealed within each of us who believes.  We preach it when we share the truth … Continue reading

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What is Fellowship?

. FELLOWSHIP I Corinthians 1:9  God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His son Jesus Christ our Lord. The word “called” is eklaleo, the verb form of the word translated “church.” (ekklesia)  So, we were … Continue reading

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How to be Saved ….. X 3

.   What do you think of when you you hear the word “salvation”  or “being saved?”  Specifically, I believe most think of going to heaven when you die as the full meaning of salvation.  The meaning of this word … Continue reading

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On Grace, Gifts and Thankfulness

. GRACE, GIFT, and THANKFULNESS are all related words in the Greek. Grace (charis – intentional generosity),                                                                                   Gift (charisma – an expression of charis),                                                                 Thankfulness (eucharisma – the response desired by the expression of charis). We had a very practical … Continue reading

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An Un-Polluted Gospel

. . If you have two glasses of water, one pure and one polluted with toxins and dirt, and you take those two glasses and mix them together, what are you going to have?  You’re going to have polluted water. … Continue reading

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What or Who is antichrist?

. THE antichrist vs THE TRUE CHRIST Many people have this idea of the antichrist, that it is a person who will come and rule the world in the last days. Let’s see what God’s Word has to say. I … Continue reading

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IN CHRIST – what does it mean?

. IN CHRIST – What does it mean We use this term….in Christ…..a lot in our fellowship, in our communications, in the teachings and sharings of God’s Word.  But what exactly does it mean? Here is what I understand of … Continue reading

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. Grace is favor, generosity with intent to please and/or to meet a need.  The providing of what cannot be gotten in any other way.  You might say intentional generosity. First of all, in order to understand grace, you’ve got … Continue reading

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Who was Jesus … What Others Thought … All New Testament References

WHAT OTHERS SAID OF JESUS All New Testament References Matthew 16:15,16 Simon Peter….You are the Christ, the son of the living God Mark 3:11 Unclean spirits… are the son of God Mark 5:6,7 Man of the Gadarenes…..Jesus, son of the … Continue reading

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Speaking in Tongues in the Bible (a non-exhaustive list)

. . Speaking in tongues is the speaking in a language unknown to yourself by the power of the holy spirit within.  That you believe and speak is up to you.  What you speak is up to the spirit of … Continue reading

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