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God’s Point of View

. Man-as-god tends to think that he is capable of arriving at truth – at objective truth – by his own mental endeavoring.  But does such a thing as “objective truth” even exist?  I believe that all understanding is subjective; … Continue reading

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The Spirit of Envy

. . About 3 weeks ago I was delivered from the spirit of envy.  In a moment of time, the discernment of that ugly spirit came into my consciousness, and I was freed.  I was painting, actually.  An apartment.  I … Continue reading

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The Priorities of a Godly Life

. The purpose of priorities is to help order our thinking, so that the will of God will come to pass in and through our lives.  In football, when a quarterback goes back to pass, he does a “checkdown.”  Receiver … Continue reading

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What is the Word of God

. . Is the Bible the Word of God?  Let’s find out. There are many different versions of the Bible.  The version of the Bible I use most is the Authorized King James Version.  Also known as the KJV (King … Continue reading

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Constipated Consciousness

. Paralysis, callousness and constipation are the traits of consciousness and character which result from walking in the Vanity of the Mind, Ephesians 4:17-19  This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you walk not as Gentiles walk, in … Continue reading

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Love of the Unknown

. The world has raised us to fear the unknown, but God designed His children to be explorers and adventurers.  Our spiritual Father has instilled in His children an exciting love and anticipation for what lies just around that next … Continue reading

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Why Stress?

. Colossians 3:15  And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be thankful. If you have not read the past 2 studies, Dying to Self and Cheat Codes … Continue reading

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Cheat Codes for Life

. I owe this study to my 22 year old daughter Amy Kendziora, who is in the midst of a magnificent spiritual awakening and growth. Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start (The Konami code). Cheat … Continue reading

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Dying to Self

. . Your old way of thinking can never save you from your old way of thinking. Ephesians 4:22  That you put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; And be … Continue reading

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Some Truths about Truth

. Be sure to take a look at the study Truth vs. Reality.  I have had many believers share with me about the power and deliverance happening in their lives simply by understanding the difference between these two.  In short, … Continue reading

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