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The Devil, Our Enemy

The way Satan steals from us is by displacing the truth with lies. _______________________________________________ The devil is an equal opportunity hater of us all. It is not enough to know the Lord Jesus Christ.  We must come to know and … Continue reading

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In Christ – Ephesians 1-14 (part 2)

. . This study is dedicated to my wonderful niece, Kelsey Hartlaub, who graduated from College today.  I will never forget the very first Bible study she was a part of in my home when she first arrived as a … Continue reading

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In Christ – Ephesians 1:1-14 (part 1)

. . As in any person’s life who seeks after the things of God, for Paul there was a growing understanding of the revelation of Jesus Christ within.   Ephesians was one of the very last general church epistles (as opposed … Continue reading

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The Helmet of Salvation

. . Ephesians 6:17a  And take the helmet of salvation….. We have looked at salvation in an earlier study How to be Saved ….. X 3.   Through Jesus Christ, God saves us 1.  spiritually; 2. Mentally (psychologically, emotionally); and 3. … Continue reading

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Beware of Dogs (Philippians 3:1-14)

. . Rejoice in the Lord and watch out for dogs. Philippians 3:1-14 Verse 1  Finally (to sum it all up) my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.  To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous … Continue reading

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Is Homosexuality a Sin?

. The purpose of this study is to understand.  With perfect spiritual understanding comes powerful love and appreciation for the truth of God and of Christ. If homosexuality is a sin, then there has to be a lie involved.  Something … Continue reading

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Justified, what it means

..   Romans 3:24   Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Justified, justification are nice religious words, aren’t they?  We read them in the Bible, but do we know what they mean?  Does … Continue reading

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An Index of Studies 91 – 100

. The topics covered in the 10 indexed studies listed below are: Home is where our heart is, and where our allegiance lies. How to obey the form of our spiritual doctrine, and how that form changes us. The need … Continue reading

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Emotions of Sin

. . Romans 7:5   For when we were in the flesh, the motions (pathos – emotions, passions) of sins, which were by (dia – by means of) the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. … Continue reading

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What is Sin, part one

. Sin is bad ….. right?  But what is it …… and why is it sin …… and what’s so bad about it?   What makes it “sin.”  Is the determination of sin a unilateral moral decision on the part of … Continue reading

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