Blog Archives

The Approval of Man

. . Approval is important. We all need approval.  Approval lets us know we’re doing something right, going in the right direction.  We’ve all grown up seeking the approval of man.  First, our parents; then perhaps our siblings, teachers, friends; … Continue reading

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Morality versus Godliness

. Are you a seeker of the approval of man?  Or are you a seeker of God? Matthew 15:7-9  You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying;  “This people draws near unto me with their mouth, and honors me … Continue reading

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Jobs of the Holy Spirit

. I often read through the entire New Testament, simply looking for one thing.  The following is my compilation of what I found as I looked for jobs (or attributes) of the Holy Spirit (or holy spirit).  If you find … Continue reading

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The Manifestation of the Spirit

. I Corinthians 12:7   But the manifestation of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal. Manifestation, from the Greek word phanerosis, means a making known, a making open, or clear; a putting into evident use. The indication … Continue reading

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Do not preach the Old Testament.

. . _____________________________________________ Death and condemnation is what the Old Testament served to the people it ministered to.  Do you really want to be included in that number? ______________________________________ The believer in Jesus Christ, in whom the spirit of the … Continue reading

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Agape Love – A Study of I John 3 and 4

. . . I John 3 & 4        You’re going to need your Bibles for this.   A great Bible study, on your own or in an intimate fellowship of believers. Agape love – verb:  to treasure; noun:  devout commitment to … Continue reading

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Satan Exposed

.. . . Want a clearer understanding of the relationship between Jesus Christ and God, his Father?  Read the gospel of John…over and over.  Because the relationship he had is the one we are destined to have. John 17:20-23   Neither … Continue reading

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Tollroad Christianity

. . Tollroad Christianity …..  Receiving the things freely given by God I live in Madison, Wisconsin.  Whenever I need to pick someone up at O’Hare Airport, the only real way to get there is via this highway called the … Continue reading

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I Corinthians 3

. Topics covered in this chapter are:  Christian carnality, limitations on ministers, how confident we can be in our salvation, the one true church and the fruitlessness of trying to build anything outside of Christ. Verses 1-4  And I, brethren, … Continue reading

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Half a Gospel

. There are 2 halves to the real Gospel. John 10:7   Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily I say unto you, I am the door for the sheep. This is half the gospel.  Jesus is the door.  When … Continue reading

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